Federal Communication Commission
After years of urging from advocates, the FCC finally began regulating prison telecom roughly a decade ago. Today, advocates are continuing to push for lower rate caps on prison and jail calls and increased regulation on other fees and communication services.
Contact: UCC Media Justice, Worth Rises, Free Press, National Consumer Law Center, Color of Change, Prison Policy Initiative, MediaJustice

After a disappointing loss in 2023, advocates are coalition building in preparation for a renewed effort to make prison communication free across Hawai’i in the 2024 legislative session.
Contact: Worth Rises

With promising recent political elections and renewed energy, families and allied advocates are gearing up again to move legislation that would make prison and jail calls free.
Contact: Daughters Beyond Incarceration, Voice of the Experienced, Southern Poverty Law Center, We Got Us Now

Advocates are organizing for free and accessible communication in state prisons and county jails across Michigan. We’ve spent years building locally and continue to pressure the legislature to bring legislation.
Contact: Michigan Citizens for Prison Reform, Worth Rises, Dream.org, Safe and Just Michigan, AFSC Michigan

New York
Advocates are pushing to make prison and jail communication free across New York. After frustrating defeats in 2022 and 2023, advocates are regrouping and charged for reintroduction next session!
Contact: Worth Rises, Fines & Fees Justice Center, Color Of Change, Citizen Action of New York

Advocates are starting to organize for free and accessible communication in state prisons and county jails across Oregon. Organizing is just getting off the ground to push for legislation in the 2024 session!
Contact: Worth Rises, Oregon Justice Resource Center, Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, Disability Rights Oregon

It’s not too late for 2024 in Pennsylvania, where legislators are getting ready to introduce a bill to make all prison and jail communication free. Coalition building is just getting off the ground!
Contact: Worth Rises

Rhode Island
After a disappointing loss in 2023, families and allied advocates are readying to renew their fight to make all prison and jail communication free across Rhode Island in the 2024 legislative session.
Contact: Worth Rises, Working Families - Rhode Island, ACLU of Rhode Island, Direct Action For Rights And Equality (DARE), BLM Rhode Island PAC

In 2022, Virginia passed legislation to study the cost of prison and jail communication, commissary, and other carceral costs. Advocates selected for the study committee worked diligently to ensure that the final report captured the true exploitation of incarcerated people and their families. In 2023, legislation to make prison communication free failed in the House after passing the Senate. Advocates are regrouping now to make another attempt in the 2024 session!
Contact: ACLU Virginia, Worth Rises

Families and allied advocates are organizing to introduce legislation to make prison and jail communication free. Efforts are just getting off the ground for the 2024 legislative session!
Contact: Worth Rises

As various counties seek to address the high cost of jail calls, advocates are starting to build toward a statewide campaign to make prison and jail communication free.
Contact: Worth Rises, EXPO Wisconsin, The Community