our campaigns
There are Connecting Families campaigns all over the country at the federal, state, and local level. Find a campaign near you and reach out to the organizers to get involved.
There are Connecting Families campaigns all over the country at the federal, state, and local level. Find a campaign near you and reach out to the organizers to get involved.
In August 2023, Massachusetts passed precedent legislation to make all prison and jail communication free, including phone calls, video calls, and electronic messages. It is the fifth state to make prison calls free, the second to make all prison communication free, and the first to extend the same policy over all local jails. The policy goes into effect in December 2023 with unlimited calling and will save Massachusetts families over $25 million annually. Read more.
Contact: No Cost Calls / Keep Families Connected Coalition, African American Coalition Committee (AACC) at MCI-Norfolk, Prisoner Legal Services - Massachusetts, Greater Boston Legal Services, National Consumer Law Center, Worth Rises, Coalition for Social Justice, Color of Change, Families of Justice as Healing, Progressive Mass, Justice 4 Housing, Black and Pink Massachusetts
In May 2023, Minnesota passed legislation to make all prison calls free, making it the fourth state to do so. The legislation was implemented quickly in July 2023 and is expected to save families $4.5 million annually. Read more.
Contact: Worth Rises, National Alliance on Mental Illness Minnesota, REPOWERED, Minnesota Freedom Fund
In May 2023, Colorado passed legislation to make all prison calls free, making it the third state to do so. The legislation has a three-year graduated implementation timeline, requiring the state to cover 25% of communication costs starting September 2023, 35% of costs starting July 2024, and 100% by July 2025. When fully implemented, the legislation will save families more than $9 million annually. Read more.
Contact: Worth Rises, ProgressNow Colorado, Second Chance Center, Stand For Children Colorado, Elephant Circle
In May 2021, encouraged by families and advocates, Supervisor Hilda Solis introduced a motion to provide free phone calls in LA County jails, the nation’s largest jail system. The Board went on to pass the motion in a unanimous 5-0 vote, shifting responsibility to the county’s Chief Executive Officer to develop an implementation plan. Unfortunately, little was done. In July 2023, Supervisor Solis brought a similar motion with clearer language that was once again passed, requiring free jail calls by December 2023.
Contact: Let’s Get Free LA, Justice LA, Anti Recidivism Coalition, Youth Justice Coalition, Young Women’s Freedom Center, ACLU of Southern California, Children’s Defense Fund California, Homeboy Industries
In December 2022, Congress passed the Martha Wright Reed Just and Reasonable Communication Act to confirm the FCC’s regulatory authority over all prison and jail calls and grant authority over video calls for the first time. For decades, advocates like the late Martha Wright Reed, who struggled to communicate with her grandson during his incarceration, pushed the FCC to regulate prison and jail telecom, but courts restricted its regulatory authority to just long distance calls, which make up only 20 percent of all prison and jail calls. This legislation will bring meaningful relief to families across the country, particularly those with loved ones in county jails. Read more.
Contact: OC UCC, Worth Rises, Color of Change, Free Press, National Consumer Law Center, CURE National, Public Knowledge
In September 2022, California passed legislation to make all prison calls free, making it the second state to do so. The legislation was quickly implemented in January 2023 with unlimited calling and will save California families over $33 million annually. Read more.
Contact: San Francisco Financial Justice Project, Western Center on Law & Poverty, Worth Rises, Young Women’s Freedom Center, Essie Justice Group, Jesse’s Place, Berkeley Law Policy Advocacy Clinic
In April 2022, Miami-Dade County voted 9-2 to make jail communication free after more than a year of organizing, advocacy, and negotiations. Miami residents appeared in droves to testify about their experiences with the county’s extortionary jail communication services. This legislation will save Miami families an estimated $6.8 million every year! Read more.
Contact: Beyond the Bars Miami, Worth Rises
In June 2021, Connecticut passed legislation making it the first state to make all prison communication free! Thanks to years of advocacy, the bipartisan bill covers all prison communication services, affords every incarcerated person 90 minutes of call time per day, and protects visits from replacement by technology. The legislation went into effect on July 2022 and saves families over $14 million annually! Read more.
Contact: Worth Rises, Connecticut Bail Fund, Voices of Women of Color
In March 2021, Supervisor Terra Lawson-Remer introduced a motion to make all jail communication free. Hundreds of community members submitted supportive comments and the Board passed the policy in 5-0 unanimous and bipartisan vote. The new policy went into effect in July 2021, saving families roughly $4 million every year.
Contact: Invest in San Diego Families Coalition, Pillars of the Community, Center on Policy Initiatives, and the ACLU of San Diego and Imperial Counties.
The CARES stimulus bill made all phone and video calls free in federal prisons during the COVID-19 pandemic. Thanks to advocacy pressure, people in federal prison received 500 minutes of free phone and video calls for roughly two years. We continue to fight to make prison communication free in the federal system permanently.
Contact: Worth Rises, MediaJustice, UCC, FAMM, National Consumer Lawyer’s Committee, We Got Us Now
In June 2019, after months of advocacy, Mayor London Breed announced that San Francisco would make jail phone calls free! The new policy was codified in law shortly after and went into effect in August 2020, resulting in more than $1 million in savings for families every year.
Contact: Financial Justice Project at the San Francisco Treasurer’s Office, Young Women’s Freedom Center, Worth Rises
In July 2018, advocates successfully passed legislation to make all calls free from NYC jails! The law went into effect in May 2019, saving communities $10 million annually and opening lines of communication for thousands.
Contact: Worth Rises, Brooklyn Defender Services, Color Of Change, Zero Profits NYC
After years of urging from advocates, the FCC finally began regulating prison telecom roughly a decade ago. Today, advocates are continuing to push for lower rate caps on prison and jail calls and increased regulation on other fees and communication services.
Contact: UCC Media Justice, Worth Rises, Free Press, National Consumer Law Center, Color of Change, Prison Policy Initiative, MediaJustice
After a disappointing loss in 2023, advocates are coalition building in preparation for a renewed effort to make prison communication free across Hawai’i in the 2024 legislative session.
Contact: Worth Rises
With promising recent political elections and renewed energy, families and allied advocates are gearing up again to move legislation that would make prison and jail calls free.
Contact: Daughters Beyond Incarceration, Voice of the Experienced, Southern Poverty Law Center, We Got Us Now
Advocates are organizing for free and accessible communication in state prisons and county jails across Michigan. We’ve spent years building locally and continue to pressure the legislature to bring legislation.
Contact: Michigan Citizens for Prison Reform, Worth Rises, Dream.org, Safe and Just Michigan, AFSC Michigan
Advocates are pushing to make prison and jail communication free across New York. After frustrating defeats in 2022 and 2023, advocates are regrouping and charged for reintroduction next session!
Contact: Worth Rises, Fines & Fees Justice Center, Color Of Change, Citizen Action of New York
Advocates are starting to organize for free and accessible communication in state prisons and county jails across Oregon. Organizing is just getting off the ground to push for legislation in the 2024 session!
Contact: Worth Rises, Oregon Justice Resource Center, Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, Disability Rights Oregon
It’s not too late for 2024 in Pennsylvania, where legislators are getting ready to introduce a bill to make all prison and jail communication free. Coalition building is just getting off the ground!
Contact: Worth Rises
After a disappointing loss in 2023, families and allied advocates are readying to renew their fight to make all prison and jail communication free across Rhode Island in the 2024 legislative session.
Contact: Worth Rises, Working Families - Rhode Island, ACLU of Rhode Island, Direct Action For Rights And Equality (DARE), BLM Rhode Island PAC
In 2022, Virginia passed legislation to study the cost of prison and jail communication, commissary, and other carceral costs. Advocates selected for the study committee worked diligently to ensure that the final report captured the true exploitation of incarcerated people and their families. In 2023, legislation to make prison communication free failed in the House after passing the Senate. Advocates are regrouping now to make another attempt in the 2024 session!
Contact: ACLU Virginia, Worth Rises
Families and allied advocates are organizing to introduce legislation to make prison and jail communication free. Efforts are just getting off the ground for the 2024 legislative session!
Contact: Worth Rises
As various counties seek to address the high cost of jail calls, advocates are starting to build toward a statewide campaign to make prison and jail communication free.
Contact: Worth Rises, EXPO Wisconsin, The Community
Are you running a campaign for free prison or jail communication that is not listed? Reach out to us at info@worthrises.org to be added.
Are you running or thinking about starting a prison phone justice campaign in your community? Well, you don’t have to start from scratch. Drawing from years of advocacy, we drafted a number or resources for organizers and advocates fighting to make prison and jail communication free in their communities. Take what you need!
Start with this model legislation and adapt it to the needs of your community.
Get familiar with our polling data, talking points, and FAQs so that you can be an effective advocate.
COVID-19 reminded the world about the importance of communication, leverage that common experience.
We know that data supporting the social benefits of these policies helps in conveying their importance to decision makers. To help, we have rounded up some of the best research on the issue to support that: