Hi, my name is Tamara and I’ve been incarcerated for 13 years. And right now, there’s the COVID-19, the pandemic, that’s happening across the world. It’s hard right now for me to get in contact with my three children. And I want be able to continue the bond that I have with them. I want them to know that they’re not alone during this situation, but more so, I want them to never feel like they’re alone. And I would appreciate if we are able as prisoners, as Moms, as Dads, if we're able to be afforded phone calls, not even during this time where there is a crisis but throughout our incarceration because we need that to keep the bond with our family, to keep the bond with our children. I'm just pleading and begging for someone to make this possible. So my kids, prisoners’ kids, don't have to feel alone in this situation.
Hey guys, my name is Shedrick Blackwell. I’m currently finishing up a 20 to life sentence in Coxsackie Correctional Facility. Currently, I have 17 years in, and things are kind of rough right now due to this Coronavirus. They suspended the visitation process so all I have, my access is the telephone. Which is another problem, it’s my lifeline but it costs. And I recently reconnected with my daughter after 18 years in foster care and adoption, and this Coronavirus and the cost of calls all together at one time make it nearly impossible to really try to maintain some family times and to just stay abreast of what’s happening in the world and have you stay abreast of what’s happening in my world here. If it were up to me and it’s just my opinion– I think every call leaving a facility, not just during this time but especially during this time particularly, should be free. It shouldn’t cost anything. People should be allowed to stay in touch with their families.